Iwamoto Satoru (Kanata Hongo), since the death of her mother she was always alone in her room, never leave the house. Satoru But then life began to change when her father, Kaoru Iwamoto (Masatoshi Nakamura) provides a sophisticated robot to Satoru. With the help of this robot Satoru began in touch with the outside world, which gives the opportunity to enter elementary school Satoru.

This robot is operated by Satoru from inside his room. By his classmates, the robot was named Hinokio. At school it Satoru became acquainted with his new friends. Namely, among others: Jun (Tabe Mikako), Joichi and Kenta. They always fill her days to gather together.

Outside the new Satoru happiness with his friends, he actually has a problem with his father. Satoru blamed his father for the death of his mother. Communications between them were rare. But little by little Satoru finally began to realize how dear father to Satoru. So with the Hinokio, Satoru life began to change.

But whether Satoru remain shut himself in his room and mambiarkan Hinokio who socialize with the outside world? Or finally he can eliminate the fear?
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