Endless Love

This drama tells the story of a story between sisters. Narrated about Yun Joon Suh (Song Seung Hun) and Eun Suh (Song Hye Kyo) were raised as brothers for 14 years until the emergence of a shocking fact of their families. Apparently not the younger sister Eun Suh Joon Suh biological child but others are confused as a baby.

The incident occurred because of the little boy Joon Suh inadvertently played a label name in the nursery at the hospital where Joon Suh's sister was born.

Suh Eun result that should be in the family Choi, Yun be maintained by the family which is the family resides. While the original sister Joon Suh, Shin Ae (Han Chae Young) Choi maintained a poor family. Mistake is accidentally revealed when Eun Suh had an accident at the age of 14 years.

Once revealed, life Eun Suh and Shin Ae changed completely. Shin Ae who eventually returned to the embrace of family and Yun Joon Suh was brought by her mother and father to the United States. While Eun Suh left in Korea was forced to slam the living to connect his life.

However time and distance that is thousands of miles are not authorized to make Joon Suh and Eun Suh can not forget the affection between them. After nine years on, the family eventually returned to Korea's Yun.

Joon Suh has adulthood and a woman engaged to a fellow artist, Shin Yoo-Mi (Han Na Na), accidentally met again with Eun Suh in a hotel. Suh Eun is now working at a hotel owned by friends of Joon Suh, Tae Hun Suhk (Won Bin).

Meeting Joon Suh and Eun Suh was brought trouble later on. Because they finally realize that the love between them is no longer the love of brothers, but has turned into a love between men and women.

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 4
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16 (end)

ost 1


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